13 May Wild Wings!

Whoa! A throwback aerial combat game with cross-platform multiplayer, the chance to do some exciting reductive design, and the opportunity to play with some fantastic vehicle design?! I’m in! Seth Crofton and I have been putting together this project to introduce Hank Caruso’s awesome Aerocatures planes to the world in a way we’ve never seen them before, both as physical 3d models and in the kinetic mayhem of slapstick aerial combat! Military aviation has incredible tradition and I’m excited we can pass on a love for these planes. This has become sort of a full-circle project for me recreating military craft I built model kits of as a kid, and tailoring a game that captures the fun and accessibility of classic arcade flyers like ‘Rogue Squadron’ and ‘Crimson Skies.’
I’ve got a prototype running that’s nailing down the basic feel of the plane controller so expect to see some video of these things in action soon alongside our Kickstarter which will be launching shortly! We’ve created some great rewards, custom paintjobs for your planes, 3d printed models of Hank’s Aerocatures, and even a ride in an L-39 jet! Stay tuned to our Facebook and Twitter pages for more, as it develops!
P.S. And for more Aerocatures mayhem check out Hank’s official site and the Eagle Strike Minigame!